Badly Drawn Boy in Rome | 21 June 2007 part2 for Deb on June 25, 2007 badly drawn boy badly drawn boy concert badly drawn boy live born in the uk laghetto dell'eur rome +
Laurie Anderson performing Only An Expert / Maybe if I Fall on June 24, 2007 laurie anderson laurie anderson in concert only an expert +
Laurie Anderson in Concert | The Auditorium, Rome | 22 June 2007 on June 23, 2007 Concert Reviews homeland laurie anderson laurie anderson concert review only an expert rome the auditorium +
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Badly Drawn Boy in Concert Review | Laghetto dell'EUR - Rome | 21 June 2007 on June 22, 2007 badly drawn boy badly drawn boy concert badly drawn boy live born in the uk Concert Reviews damon gough have you fed the fish italy laghetto dell'eur one plus one is one rome +